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Daily magic problem July 9th

A AC的相片
Daily magic problem July 9th
A AC發表於2019年 07月 9日(Tue) 15:26

Using r1+r2 will give different answer from r1*r2. Why?

Professor Areteem的相片
Re: Daily magic problem July 9th
Professor Areteem發表於2019年 07月 9日(Tue) 16:14

The sum of the two roots $r_1 + r_2$ must be equal to $-(-5)/1 = 5$, and the product of the roots $r_1r_2$ must be equal to $7 + i$.

Since $(2 + i) + (a + ib) = (2 + a) + (1 + b)i = 5 + 0i$, we must have $2 + a = 5$ and $1 + b = 0$. Similarly, since $(2 + i)(a + ib) = (2a - b)(a + 2b)i = 7 + i$, we must have $2a - b = 7$ and $a + 2b = 1$.

Both systems of equations lead to the same solution $(a,b)$.

A AC的相片
Re: Daily magic problem July 9th
A AC發表於2019年 07月 9日(Tue) 17:36

Thank you for your explanation! How about using z*(2+i)=7+i Then z=(7+i)/(2+i) This is different. Also, is it ok to use quadratic formula to find solutions? Is it the same?

Professor Areteem的相片
Re: Daily magic problem July 9th
Professor Areteem發表於2019年 07月 10日(Wed) 12:11
Note your solution $z = \dfrac{7 + i}{2 + i}$ is the same as $3 - i$: $$\dfrac{7 + i}{2 + i} = \dfrac{7 + i}{2 + i}\dfrac{2-i}{2-i} = \dfrac{15 - 5i}{5} = 3 - i.$$

Using the quadratic formula is always an option, though it can get messy and you wouldn't be taking advantage of the fact that you were given one of the two solutions already. 

A AC的相片
Re: Daily magic problem July 9th
A AC發表於2019年 07月 10日(Wed) 12:37

Thank you!